Public lectures

    1. 2022-2019: to be updated
    2. 2018: Keynote: The Map trap, on the fallacies of the cartography of migration, BoMoCult conference, University of Joensuu, 5 October
    3. 2018: Keynote: Crossing Borders, Opening of the Academic year, Young Academy, University of Groningen, 1 October
    4. 2018: Keynote: EU’s auto-immune borders, IRLS, Utrecht, 28 September
    5. 2018: Keynote: The fallacious paradoxes of EU’s external border regime, CESSMIR, University of Gent, 17 September
    6. 2018: Grenzen, Kunstenaarscollectief ‘Voorheen de gemeente’, Leeuwarden, 29 June
    7. 2018: Keynote: Europees grensbeleid, Expertmeeting, Cordaid, Den Haag, 19 June
    8. 2018: Voorbij Fort Europa, Honoursvereniging, Radboud Universiteit, 16 Mei
    9. 2018: De cartografie van een crisis, Bordering Conference, Universiteit Leiden, 15 March
    10. 2018: ‘’Keer het terugkeerbeleid’’, Vluchtelingenwerk, Soesterberg, 8 February
    11. 2017:   KNAW, Leeuwarden and Joure, 21 November
    12. 2017: Voorbij Fort Europa, Studium Generale, Universiteit Twente, 7 November
    13. 2017: Keynote: Countering EU’s border regime, Cross-border School, Caceres, Spain, 24 October
    14. 2017: Keynote: Towards a new migration policy, Keynote, BoMoCult conference, Joensuu, University of Eastern Finland Fortress Europe, 11 October
    15. 2017: Keynote, Vluchtelingenbeschermingscrisis, Vluchtelingenwerk, Nationaal congres, Arnhem, 2 September
    16. 2017: Voorbij Fort Europa, Lezing Academisch Gezelschap, Eindhoven, 16 Februari
    17. 2017: Keynote op congres, Actieteam grensoverschrijdende economie en arbeid (GEA), Ministeries Binnenlandse Zaken en Economische Zaken, Nijmegen, 30 Januari
    18. 2017: Korte toespraak na ontvangst nemen Radboud Hermesdorfprijs, RU, 9 Januari,
    19. 2016: Radboud Signeert, signeersessie van Radboud auteurs, Cultuurcafe, Nijmegen, 15 December
    20. 2016: Clingendael, Keynote over Voorbij Fort Europa en debat met Ministerie BuZa, Den Haag, 14 December
    21. 2016: Interview on stage, Premiere TV docu De Muur, interview over Muren en Voorbij Fort Europa, De Zwijger, A’dam, 1 December
    22. 2016: Voorbij Fort Europa, Boekpresentatie, Spui25, Amsterdam, 25 November
    23. 2016: Keynote, Het grensbeleid van de EU, TEMA, Woudschoten, 20 November
    24. 2016: Keynote, Veilige havens, op weg naar een beter migratiebeleid, De Balie, 20 November,
    25. 2016: Keynote, Congres Vluchtelingenwerk ‘Samen maken we het verschil’, Stadschouwburg, Amsterdam, 2 november
    26. 2016: Keynote: Pushing the borders, fearing and desiring extreme geographies, National Geography Days Finland, Theme: Extreme Geographies, 27 October
    27. 2016: Keynote: Faraway proximity: The need for a glocal gaze, Joensuu Phd seminar on Global challenges and local responses, 26 October
    28. 2016: Opening lecture, Voorbij Fort Europa, 024geschiedenis, Maand van de Geschiedenis, Nijmegen, zie, 15 Oktober
    29. 2016: Keynote: Beyond Fortress Europe, BOMOCULT conference, Joensuu, 28 September
    30. 2016: Keynote: Towards a new c/artography of borders, Art and National Identity, University Leiden, 24 June
    31. 2016: Openingslezing: Hoe muren identiteiten maken, Paraplu Fabriek Nijmegen, Expo over Grenzen, 19 juni
    32. 2016: Key-note: Voorbij Fort Europa, conference Security Management, Nijkerk, 9 June
    33. 2016: Multiple lectures at final conference EUBORDERSCAPES, Berlin, 26-27 May
    34. 2016: Keynote: Borders as Resources, Policy Forum, BIG project, Euregio Rijn-Waal, Kleve
    35. 2016: EU Grensbeleid, Honours, Universiteit Utrecht, 10 mei
    36. 2016: De vrijheid van beweging, Vrijheidscollege, Middelburg, 29 April
    37. 2016: De vrijheid van beweging, Vrijheidscollege, Groningen, 25 April
    38. 2016:  ‘Papieren Grenzen’, Nacht van de Filosofie, A’dam, 15 April
    39. 2016: Keynote: EU’s refugee regime, Fontys, Venlo, 14 April,
    40. 2016: De vrijheid van beweging, Vrijheidscollege, Wageningen, 12 April,
    41. 2016: De vijf muren van de EU, ‘Food For Thought’, Opening EXPO on refugees, RU, 11 April
    42. 2016, Lezing tijdens Diner Pensant over Grenzen en Vluchtelingen, 7 April, Filosofiefestival Nijmegen, 7 April
  1. 2016: EU’s political crisis on refugees, Honoursprogramme, RU, 6 april
  2. 2016: Keynote: De Polis toen en nu, Aardrijkskundedag, Nijmegen, 15 March
  3. 2016, Food for thought, RU lecture for refugees on EU border policy, Nijmegen, 14 March
  4. 2016: Workshop: How to publish an opinion-article, IMR Academy, RU Nijmegen, 3 March
  5. 2016: Keynote: Borders and Conflicts, Conference ‘Chaos & Conflict‘, ArtEz, Arnhem, 2 February
  6. 2016: Lecture on Communicating Borders, workshop on Conference ‘Chaos & Conflict‘, ArtEz, Arnhem, 2 February
  7. 2016: Keynote: Re-framing Borders, De Zwijger, Amsterdam (Video of the lecture is online, 11 February
  8. 2016: 28-29 January, Paper on: The Cyprus Green Line conflict, together with Rodrigo Bueno Lacy, Conference EUBORDERSCAPES, Barcelona
  9. 2015: Keynote: Migratie als mensenrecht, Citykerk, Rotterdam, 17 December
  10. 2015: Interview on stage, Tegenlicht Meet up: Onderhandelaar in Oorlogstijd, De Zwijger, Amsterdam, 15 December
  11. 2015: Keynote: On the run, Studium Generale, TU/E, 7 December
  12. 2015: Interview on stage, after the film ‘Walls’, Theatre Tuschinki, IDFA, organised by Oxfam Novib, A’dam, 24 November
  13. 2015: Migratiedebat, Vice Versa, Pakhuis De Zwijger, Amsterdam, 30 Oktober
  14. 2015: Nagesprek na voorstelling Comfortzone, Theater Bellevue, Amsterdam, 24 Oktober
  15. 2015: Keynote: Naar een ander grensbeleid, Theater Paradox, Tilburg, 22 Oktober
  16. 2015: Keynote: Borderland Redesign, ISOCARP conference, Maastricht, 20 October
  17. 2015: Keynote: Borderlands and Grenzgaenger, Conference, research centre B/Orders in Motion, Universitat Frankfurt am Oder/Slubice
  18. 2015: Keynote: 10 punten plan voor een ander grensbeleid,  Theater Perdu, Amsterdam 5 Oktober
  19. 2015: Nieuwscafe Nijmegen, debat over opvang vluchtelingen, Villa Lux, georganiseerd door Gelderlander, 25 September
  20. 2015: Pitch over noodzaak slim beleid tav vluchtelingen-opvangkamp Heumensoord, kennismakingsdag Gemeente Nijmegen-Universiteit Nijmegen, 24 September
  21. 2015: Keynote: Een 10 punten plan voor een ander grensbeleid, De Balie, Thema Fort Europa, 3 September (zie Balie TV, Fort Europa, min 8-25)
  22. 2015: Public lecture “Citizens, Migrants and Human Beings in the City. The urban consequences of the EU’s external border regime”, Summer School Thinking City, Academie van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam, 14 juli
  23. 2015: Case study Human Rights, “ Why do we b/order ourselves? And at what price for ourselves and others”, Summer School Thinking City, Academie van Bouwkunst, Amsterdam, 9 juli
  24. 2015: Debat ‘Bootvluchteling in beeld’, De Nieuwe Liefde, Amsterdam, 18 juni
  25. Schermafbeelding 2015-06-23 om 18.40.11
  26. 2015: Lezing als onderdeel van het ‘Grote Nijmeegse Vluchtelingendebat’, St Gast, LUX, Nijmegen, 12 juni
  27. 2015: Lecture at presentation of the academic borderdeaths database, VU Amsterdam, 27 mei
  28. 2015: Interview met Denker des Vaderlands Marli Huijer, Dekker vd Vegt, Nijmegen, 4 april
  29. 2015: Keynote: ‘van Atlas naar Hermes, naar een nieuwe c/Artografie van de wereld’ in kunstcentrum Park013, Tilburg, 1 april
  30. 2015: Tedxtalk: Free the map: creative, artistic and democratic mapmaking, TEDxYouth@Maastricht: TEDxtalk, Maastricht, 21 maart
  31. Schermafbeelding 2015-06-23 om 18.48.16
  32. 2015: Lezing over grensoverschrijdende samenwerking in kunst&cultuur in grensland, Hengelo, 3 maart
  33. 2015: Keynote lezing  ‘Limburg als grensland’, De euregio nu of nooit, provinciale lijsttrekkers bekennen kleur in allereerste lijstrekkersdebat, burgerinitiatief “Waar een wil is, is geen grens”, Maastricht, 17 Januari
  34. 2015: ‘Naar een c/Artografie’: verbinding tussen Art en Cartografie, Nijmeegs Ontwerp Platform NOP – 20 x 20, presentaties door creatieven uit Nijmegen en omstreken, LUX, 13 Januari
  35. 2014: De Grens als Verhaal: lezing op de Dag van de Grensdialoog, Kranenburg (zie
  36. 2014: Keynote: Cross-borderscapes, Lecture series on ‘European Borders and Regional Integration’, Sonderborg, Denmark, 22 September
  37. 2014: Keynote: Redesigning Cross-Border Cooperation in the Dutch-German Borderlands, Euregionale Kringactiviteiten, Fontys Hogeschool, Venlo, 4 September
  38. 2014: Glocal: Global-local divides and connections, Research Day, Management School, Nijmegen, 16 June
  39. 2014: Keynote: De ethiek van ons immigratie-en grensbeleid, Humanity House, Den Haag, 9 mei
  40. 2014: ‘Voor de Wet, waarom en hoe we ons begrenzen’, filosoferen met Kafka, Museum
    SMAK, Gent, 27 april
  41. 2014: Keynote: Wonen en werken in een grensoverschrijdend perspectief, CBS Heerlen, 20 maart
  42. 2014: Keynote: Grensland, TUe, 14 maart
  43. 2014: Critical mapping of borders: Honest misrepresentations of the world, Association of Borderlands Studies, USA
  44. 2013: Keynote: A c/artography of borderscapes, EU FP7 Conference EUBORDERSCAPES, Bergamo, 4 July
  45. 2013: De grens als een moreel ontwerp, GrensEvent, Fort Lillo, 14 juni.
  46. 2013: Lecture, De grenzen van Europa, RadboudCity, Nijmegen, 2 juni.
  47. 2013: Debat over Vluchtelingen UAF, in LUX Nijmegen, 29-5.
  48. 2013: Nagesprek on-stage met actrice Marjolijn Heemstra over voorstelling ‘Gary Davis’ (wereldpaspoorten en grenzen), in Frascati Theater, Amsterdam, 22-5.
  49. 2013: Keynote: Pleidooi voor een kritische cartografie, Theater ‘Stichting Perdu’, Amsterdam, 10-5.
  50. 2013: Lecture The rise and crisis in the ideology of EUropeanisatin, FEJS, Academiegebouw, Utrecht, 26-4
  51. 2013: Chair, Europa: Crisis en Kansen, Nijmegen School of Management Alumni Dag, Den Haag, 19-4
  52. 2013: Lezing, De economie is een verleidingsfabriek, Filosofiefestival Nijmegen, 5-4
  53. 2013: Lecture, ”The policisation of space”, Honourcollege, 27-3, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen
  54. 2013: Lecture: The ideology of EUropeanisation, 22-3, IRS, Berlin
  55. 2013: Lecture, Radical cartography of Migration, Conference on Irregular Migration, 22-2, University of Amsterdam
  56. 2012: Boekpresentatie ‘Eerlijke Nieuwe Wereld’ , aanbieding aan collegevz RU en leiden forumdiscussie nav boek, 21 November, RU (zie poster: PosterBoekpresentatie), Aankondiging op website Soeterbeeck and  Pictures
  57. 2012: Keynote, ‘The Future of Border Studies’, BRIT XII, Korea/Japan
  58. 2012: Guest-lecture University of Wageningen in the course on ‘Historical and Cultural Geography of Europe’, 7 november
  59. 2012: Hosting and conversation on stage with Saskia Sassen, 5 november, Radboud University Nijmegen (see: Announcement &  Picture)
  60. 2012: Chairing  the Masterclass with Saskia Sassen, 5 november, Radboud University Nijmegen
  61. 2012: Lezing bij de wake tegen vreemdelingendetentie, 4 november Rotterdam, Stichting ROS,
  62. 2012: Expert-commentaar in debat over stadsvisie Nijmegen 2020, Lux, Nijmegen, 25 September, Aankondiging in De Gelderlander, Programma op Lux website
  63. 2012: Gespreksleider lezing gedeputeerde Provinciale Staten Gelderland Co Verdaas, over de economische en ethische waarden van ruimtelijk beleid, in samenwerking met MUNDUS, Centrum voor Ethiek en Onderzoeksgroep SCAPES van de Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, 10 September
  64. 2012: Chair at Book Session, Conference Border Aesthetics, Tromso, 5-8 September
  65. 2012: ”ConnectiCity”, expertlezing voor denktank gemeente Nijmegen (Burgemeester, wethouders, raadsleden) over Nijmegen 2020, Diner Pensant 31 mei, Chalet Brakkenstein, Nijmegen
  66. 2012: Keynote and Debate in closing panel, Conference BORDERSCAPES, Trieste, Italy, 28-30 June
  67. 2012: Keynote over Migratie naar de EU nav opening fototentoonstelling Piet den Blanken in Catharinakerk Eindhoven, 29 mei
  68. 2012: Commentator  in session Authors meet commentator, book presentation The Border Multiple, University Nijmegen, 21 may
  69. 2012: ”Verhouding tussen wetenschap en media in de aandachtseconomie”, 9 Mei, Week van de Ethiek, Radboud Universiteit (Verslag, Programma)
  70. 2012: 3 Lezingen over Grenzen en Identiteiten VMBO docenten Aardrijkskunde (april) (Amsterdam-Zwolle-Tilburg)
  71. 2012: Keynote: ”Global apartheid”, Lezing op congres ‘Grenzen van Europa’ van studierichting‘’Europese Studies’’, De Brakke grond, Amsterdam, 4 april
  72. 2012: ”Macht en vrijheid”, co-referaat, Filosofisch Cafe, 7 Februari, Nijmegen,
  73. 2011: Guest-lecture, University of Wageningen in the course on ‘Historical and Cultural Geography of Europe’, November
  74. 2011: Keynote: ”De stad als verleidingsmachine”, Studium Generale, TU Eindhoven, 12 Oktober, Programma
  75. 2011: SCAPES presentation, RU, Research Day, Nijmegen, 29 June
  76. 2011: Keynote: ”On Borders”, Lecture Phd Students, Bergamo, 8 June
  77. 2011:  ”A Place called Desire”, Wageningen Geography Lecture, 11 April, Wageningen
  78. 2011: Guest-lecture, University of Wageningen in the course on ‘Historical and Cultural Geography’, March
  79. 2011: Keynote: ”Grensoverschrijdende samenwerking met Duitsland”, Lezing voor de Gemeente Nijmegen, 10 February, Fiftytwodegrees, Nijmegen
  80. 2010: Keynote: “The abducted and gated Europe”, University of Tromso, 29 September
  81. 2010: Keynote: “Kafka on the border”, Lecture, University of Tromso, 27 September
  82. 2010: “Welcome Europa “, Introduction to the film and lecture, Filmcinema, Tromso, 27 September
  83. 2010: Keynote: “Grenslandschap “, University of Wageningen, september
  84. 2010: “The ontology of borders”, Lecture University of Wageningen, september, Wageningen
  85. 2010: “Gek op voetbal’’, Lecture, Soeterbeeck Zomercafe, Radboud University Nijmegen, 22 June
  86. 2010: “Data in Beeld’’, Lecture, LUX, Organisation: NOP, Nijmegen, 21 June
  87. 2010: “Borders in and of Europe, Lecture, University of Bergamo, 17 June
  88. 2010: “Welcome Europa “, Introduction to the film and lecture, University of Bergamo, 15 June
  89. 2010: Keynote: “Grensverkenningen”, Lecture for the Flemish and Dutch ‘Rijksbouwmeester’, Brakke Grond, Amsterdam, 25 May
  90. 2010: Keynote: “Crossing borders in Europe “,  University of Luxemburg, maison de l’Europe, 29 Apri
  91. 2010: “The borders of nationalism “, Lecture, HAN, Nijmegen 21 April
  92. 2010: Chair, Research seminar with Tim Creswell, Radboud University Nijmegen, 25 March
  93. 2010: “The philosophy of borders”, Lecture, Philosophy meeting, Beek, 13 March
  94. 2009: Lezing Grenzen en kaarten, nav presentatie Nieuwe Wereldkaart van de Balie, Koninklijke Schouwburg, Den Haag, 15 december, Programme
  95. 2009: Debat over Hogere Kaartenkunde, Kenniscafe Volkskrant & de Balie, Amsterdam, 14 december, Programme
  96. 2009: Keynote: “The abducted and gated Europe”, University of Cambridge, UK, Conference Complexities of Europe: Between knowledge, power, citizenship and identity, 21 November Programme
  97. 2009: Keynote: “Waiting before the Law; Kafka at the Border”, Ben Gurion University of Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel, Conference 10 November, Programme
  98. 2009: Keynote: Borders and Migration, Opening lecture on the Seminar Migration and Borders, University Pompeu Fabra and CIDOB, Barcelona, Programme, 10 September
  99. 2009: Sporen uit het verleden – Over identiteit en de wereldkaart, optreden in een Diner Pensant en in een talkshow, Theaterfestival Over het IJ, Amsterdam, 10 juli, zie Programma
  100. 2009: Keynote: ”Grensland”, lezing voor de Academie van Bouwkunst, Groningen, 18 Juni,
  101. 2009: Final Panel debate, Seminar ”Lines in the sand”, Copenhagen, 4 June
  102. 2009: ”Borderscapes”, NICIS, The Hague, 28 May
  103. 2009: ”The external border regime of the EU”, Heinrich Boll Stiftung, Berlin, 19 May zie Programme
  104. 2009: ”Grenslandschap”, Rijksbouwmeester Nederland and Bouwmeester Vlaanderen, Programma Buren, Brussel, 12 may zie Programma
  105. 2009: ”The choreography of the border”, Urban theatre programme: Frontiera, urban passages: debate on SGUARDI DI FRONTIERA: URBAN THRESHOLDS BETWEEN THE VISIBLE AND THE INVISIBLE, University of Bergamo, Bergamo, 3 Marche Programme
  106. 2009: ”De leugen van de grens”, lezing voor het programma “Nieuwe grenzen voor Congo”, Balie, Amsterdam, 26 februari, zie Video-registratie (Fragment 01:21u t/m 01:50u)
  107. 2009: ”On the move”, commentaar en debat over de film “Welcome Europa”, LUX, Nijmegen, 13 februari,Verslag van het debat
  108. 2009: ”On oranges and carrots, Cyprus and the failure of the imperial EU neighbourhood politics”, lecture at the University, Seminar on the border of Cyprus, Cyprus, 6 febuary
  109. 2008: Keynote: Openingslezing ”De machtige Nijmegenaren”, tijdens programmma ”Nacht van de Macht”, LUX, Nijmegen, 7 oktober,
  110. 2008: ”Het Oranje-masker”, Science Cafe Tilburg over het thema Oranje-koorts: Money or Madness, 24 Juni, Tilburg, zie Aankondiging Science Cafe Tilburg
  111. 2008: Key-note: ”Why do we wait before the Law: Janus-face of b/ordering”, Seminar On Transnational Migration and Dis-located Borders, 20 June, Dipartimento di Scienze della Persona, Scuola di Dottorato in Antropologia ed Epistemologia della ComplessitàUniversity of Bergamo, Bergamo
  112. 2008: ”Zit het NEC-gevoel in het bloed?”, Universiteitsfestival, Lustrum Radboud Universiteit 85 jaar, Nijmegen, 1 Juni
  113. 2008: ”De stad als verlangenmachine”, Nacht van de Filosofie, Felix Meritis, Amsterdam, 11 April, zie Agenda Nacht van de Filosofie en Programma optredens
  114. 2008: Keynote: ”Waiting before the law; the immorality of the external border regime of the EU”, Conference Theorising Borders, University of Leeds, 6-7 march
  115. 2008: ”Waarom zijn er grenzen?”, Kandinsky College, Nijmegen, 25 februari
  116. 2008: Co-organiser and Chair of an international expert meeting on the European Neighbourhood Policy in the framework of the course Borders and Identities in Europe, 11 January, Brussels
  117. 2008: Lezing en debat over “Barcode Humans”, naar aanleiding van het verschijnen van het boek Urban Politics Now, De Balie, Amsterdam, 2 februari 2008 Informatie debat
  118. 2008: Column over Migratie en grenstechnologie, Wetenschapsfestival “Het Glazen Lichaam”, Rathenau Instituut & NRC Handelsblad, World Trade Centrum, Rotterdam, 2 februariAanvullende informatie
  119. 2008: Masterclass over Internationalisering, Traineeprogramma de Stadsregio Arnhem-Nijmegen, Kantoor Stadsregio Nijmegen, 15 Januari 2008
  120. 2008: Organiser and Chair of an international round-table expert meeting on the Borders of Migration in the liminal spaces of the EU-African borderlands: “Re-visiting Rabat: Reflecting on the politics of bordering migrants in the liminal spaces of the EU-African borderlands” , 4 and 5 January, Rabat, Morocco.
  121. 2008: Lezing “Rechtvaardigheid”, Soeterbeeck programma over deugden, 17 januari 2008. Aanvullende informatie
  122. 2007: “Geografie: een wereldstudie”, Ouderdag Geografie, Radboud Universiteit
  123. 2007: Chair, Discussion Seminar on “EU’s External Borders” with Humboldt lecturer Franck Duvell, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen
  124. 2007: Chair, Discussion Seminar on “Transnationalism” with Humboldt Lecturer Thomas Faist, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen
  125. 2007: “The border between Spain-Morocco”, EUDIMENSIONS workshop, Berlin
  126. 2007: “Vaderlandsliefde”, Lezing en Debat, LUX, Nijmegen
  127. 2007: “Geografie: een wereldstudie”, Ouderdag Geografie, Radboud Universiteit
  128. 2007: “Een pleidooi voor het openen van EU-grenzen”, symposium Mythen en Misverstanden over Migratie, Radboud Universiteit
  129. 2007: “Borders of Migration”, Discussion Seminar on Transworld, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen
  130. 2007: “Fearing and B/ordering Migration”, Lecture and discussion, University of Bergamo
  131. 2007: “The governance of Borders, Identities and Migrants in the EU”, ESPRO-lecture, University of Duisburg
  132. 2007: “On the Immorality of Borders”, Lecture and discussion, Royal Holloway University of London
  133. 2007: “Stad te koop?” Gast-lezing, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen
  134. 2007: “Leve de Ivoren Toren”, Lezing en discussie, Alumnidag Geografie en Planologie, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen
  135. 2007: “Open Borders”, Chair of a discussion Seminar with Joseph Carens, Radboud University Nijmegen
  136. 2007: “How to acquire EU research funding”, EU workshop Border Poetics, Vienna, January
  137. 2007: “De dramatisering van het multiculturalisme in Nederland”, Nationale Geografendag, Nijmegen
  138. 2006: “Migration and the EU”, Global Migration (Glomig), Ankara, May
  139. 2006: “European Neighbourhood”, EU Workshop, EU-Dimensions, Budapest, May
  140. 2006: Keynote: “Euregionalism”, Jan van Eyckacademie, Heerlen, June Article in PDF
  141. 2006: Chair and Discussant in various panels, Conference of the Association of Borderlands Studies, Belfast, June
  142. 2006: “The liminality of Nomansland”, Conference Geography and Liminality, Groningen, July
  143. 2006: “European Integration, Borders and Identities”, Seminar series of ESPRO, Duisburg, August
  144. 2006: “Before the Law”, Internal GaP seminar in the series on Institutional Discursive Dynamics, Nijmegen, September
  145. 2006: Chair and Discussant in various panel, Borders Regions in Transition (BRIT VIII), Poland, September
  146. 2006: Keynote: “The ethics of European bio-political external border regime”, Ringvorlesung, Leipzig, October
  147. 2006: Keynote: “Nederlands voetbal: tussen provincialisering en veramerikanisering”, BDO voetbaldebat, Nijmegen, November 
  148. 2005: EU’s External border and Immigration Policy, Humboldt University, Berlin, 4 march
  149. 2005: Keynote: The (Im)Morality of Bordering, Ordering and Othering, University of Prague, 22 March
  150. 2005: Keynote: State of the Art of Border Studies, Association of Borderlands Studies, 14-16 April
  151. 2005: Borders as Embarrassment for Liberalism, Conference of Young Democrats, Nijmegen, 24 April
  152. 2005: Immigrants, Fear and the Desire for B/Orders in the EU, Conference Durham University, 11-12 July
  153. 2005: Cross-border Cooperation in Cyprus, Workshop University of Joensuu, Finland, 4 August
  154. 2005: Geopolitics of borders and boundaries, Post-workshop conference University of Joensuu, 6 August
  155. 2005: European Identities and Borders, University of Duisburg, 17 August
  156. 2005: De zin en onzin van een Delta-metrapool, Expert-meeting, Ministerie Verkeer en Waterstaat, 25 August
  157. 2005: Borders and Chronotopes, Deutsche Geografentage, University, Trier, 6 October
  158. 2005: Geopolitics of the Green Line in Cyprus, Academic Seminar, Cyprus, Goethe Institute, 28 Nov-2 Dec
  159. 2005: Explaining the political implications of EXLINEA, EU 5thframework, European Commission, Brussels, 8 dec
  160. 2004: Keynote: De (in)moraliteit van grenzen, Rotterdam
  161. 2003: Widening Europe, Workshop on German-Polish border, Centrum for Germany Studies, University of Nijmegen, Nijmegen
  162. 2003: Territoriality and the B/ordering Space, Workshop on borders in Europe, University of Milan, Milan
  163. 2003: Guest-Lecturer, Department of Geography, University Utrecht
  164. 2003: The threshold of indifference: Rethinking the power of immobility in explaining cross-border labour mobility. Ravenstein, 8th Dutch-German Seminar on Economic Geography, 2003
  165. 2003: The (im)morality of international borders, Deutsche Geografentage, October, Bern
  166. 2003: EU as a gated community, International Border Scholars Network, BRIT VI, Hungary, September
  167. 2002: Re-imagining transnational governance, Bad Radkersburg, Austria, 20-22 September
  168. 2002: Re-imagining spaces of (in)difference, ABS, Albuquerque, USA, April
  169. 2002: On the border and the making of (in)difference (in Dutch), public lecture and discussion, organised by theatre LUX, Nijmegen
  170. 2002: The making of a region (in Dutch), discussion and chair, sessions organised by the Nijmegen School of Management, University of Nijmegen
  171. 2002: Geographical identistruggle (in Dutch), National Dutch Geographical conference ( Netherlands as Calimero), Utrecht, 26 February
  172. 2001: Borders of comfort, European Sociological Association, Helsinki, Aug-Sept.
  173. 2001: Discussing Euregional governance, Conference on cross-border governance, RU, August
  174. 2001: Bordering the economy in the EU, Conference Border Regions in Transition (IV), Tartu, May
  175. 2001: Why do we (re)produce territorial borders? , Assoc. of Borderland Studies, Reno, 18-21 April
  176. 2001: The difference a border makes, “Living on the edges”, Conference about the past, present and future of border regions, University of Enschede & Munster, 17 February
  177. 2000: Discussion on research projects “Transnational governance” of J.Scott and M. Sparke , Free University, Berlin, 17 Dec.
  178. 2000: Contextualising cross-border initiatives at the German-Polish border, Discussion of F.D.Grimm’s paper, Binational cities and their regions, 27-28 September, University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands
  179. 2000: The role of power, identity and motivation asymmetry in the making, boosting and marketing of a bi-national city, Discussion of the papers of Nicole Ehlers and Thijs Wöltgens, Binational cities and their regions, 27-28 September, University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands
  180. 2000: Explaining the influence and relevance of the border in cross-border economic relationships. The case of small and medium sized firms in the border regions of the Netherlands and Belgium, Belfast, September
  181. 2000: The role of regional identity in the shaping of polycentric urban areas, the examples of the Ruhr area and the Basque country, European Regional Science Association (ERSA), Barcelona, Spain, August
  182. 2000: Why do borders exist? Some preliminary notes, Border Research Network, 25-28 May, 2000, Aabenraa, Denmark
  183. 2000: Keynote: An overview of theoretical approaches on Border and Border Regions in the European Union, Association of Borderlands Studies, Apr. 26-29, 2000, San Diego, USA
  184. 2000: The people oriented approach on borders and border regions in the European Union, Association of Borderlands Studies, Apr. 26-29, 2000, San Diego, USA
  185. 2000: Panel-discussion: Borderlands, Globalization and the New Millenium: challenges and perspectives, Association of Borderlands Studies, Apr. 26-29, 2000, San Diego, USA
  186. 2000: Presentation of the Nijmegen Centre Border Research, Association of Borderlands Studies, Apr. 26-29, 2000, San Diego, USA
  187. 2000: European geographical research on borders and border regions; trends and strands, Geopolitical conference “Rethinking Boundaries”, Chandigarh, India, 20-26 Feb.Conference progr
  188. 2000: Participation in Round-table conference on borders and border regions, IRS, Erkner ( Berlin ), Germany, 28 Jan.
  189. 1999: The power of national identity in the European integration process, Regional Studies Association, Bilbao, Spain, 18-21 Sept., 
  190. 1999: Borders, spaces, and distances: A typology of borders in terms of distances, Congress of the 39th Meeting of the European Regional Science Association, Aug. 23-27
  191. 1999: Twin-towns, economies of scale and social identity, the Case of the Dutch-German Border, Border Research Network, Karelian Institute, University of Joensuu, Research workshop BORDERS AND BORDER REGIONS, Imatra (Finland) and Svetogorsk (Russia), May 26-29 
  192. 1999: Mental borders and the importance of understanding the process of action, affection and cognition , Border Research Network, Karelian Institute, University of Joensuu, Research workshop BORDERS AND BORDER REGIONS, Imatra (Finland) and Svetogorsk (Russia), May 26-29, 1999
  193. 1999: Do borders matter in international economic networking?, Congress of the 38th Annual Meeting of the Western Regional Science Association, Feb.21-24, WRSA, Ojai, USA Congress programme
  194. 1998: Cross-border economic alliances, social identity and trust, Seminar “Borders, Border regions and Interaction”, 26-27 Nov., University of Nijmegen
  195. 1998: Local and Regional identities along the Dutch-German border, Forum Kultur-und Kulturraumforschung, Centre for Germany-Studies, University of Nijmegen, 2 Nov.
  196. 1998: Cross-border economic networking in the Euregions of the Netherlands and Germany , (in Dutch), TIAS, “Met meer succes naar Duitsland”, Centre for Germany-Studies, University of Nijmegen Congress programme
  197. 1998: The INTERFACE model of cross-border economic relationships, paper presented at the 38th congress van de European Regional Science Association (ERSA), Vienna, Austria, 28 Aug-1 Sept
  198. 1998: Border-crossing co-operation of enterprises. Impacts on the regional economy and employment, Kongreß Grenzüberschreitende Arbeidsmärkte, Osnabrueck , Germany , 4-5 June
  199. 1998: The influence of affective borders on international economic interaction, Conference Faculty of Policy Sciences, University of Nijmegen, 19 May
  200. 1998: The development and success of cross-border economic relationships, Regional Science Association, Antwerp, Belgium, 3 April
  201. 1998: “Borders and regions”, Faculty of Policy Sciences, University of Nijmegen, 5 February 1998
  202. 1997: The development of international economic relationships between SME’s in border regions, Regional Studies Association, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany, 20-23 Sept.
  203. 1996: Regionalisation in Europe , cross-border networking between firms (in Dutch), TIAS, “Met meer succes naar Duitsland”, Centre for Germany-studies, 18 Oct.
  204. 1996: Uncertainty and dependency in cross border business movements, Regional Science Association, Napa, USA, 25-29 Feb.
  205. 1995: Business co-operation between the Netherlands and Germany (in Dutch), HOVO-course ” Germany in Europe (after 1945)”, 23 October
  206. 1995: Euregional labour-markets?, Experts meeting of the Local Economic Development Action program (LEDA), European Commission, Paris, 7 July.
  207. 1994: Euregional networking in Europe, North American meetings Regional Science Association, Niagara, Canada, 16-20 Nov.
  208. 1994: The interplay between the intra-regional and the inter-regional networking, European Regional Science Association, Groningen, 23-26 Aug.
  209. 1994: University as employer, The PhD-period (in Dutch), University of Tilburg, 31 March
  210. 1993: Euregional economics, European Regional Science Association International, 24-27 Aug., Moscow
  211. 1993: The economics of border regions, University of Tilburg , Center, 20 Apr.
  212. 1992: Euregions new perspectives for Europe ? (in Dutch), Regional Science Association Nederland (RSA), Europe of the (urban) regions, Amersfoort , 25 Nov.