Current research projects

Overall research themes

  • The philosophy of borders: epistemology and (im)morality of borders, processes of b/ordering and othering and borderism (the discriminatory politics of b/ordering and othering that essentializes and politicizes the value of human beings on the basis of the bordered (id)entity they are born into, reside in, and/or travel from).
  • Global justice: the global apartheid of passports, or else passport privileges, or else the large inequality of access and freedom of mobility, or else the paper prisons.Bordering the EU: Geopolitics of the European integration, The external border regime of the EU, migrant deaths at the border (see our Dutch book: Beyond Fortress Europe (”Voorbij Fort Europa”) and our various articles on this in journals.
  • Bordering national and regional identity (including the geopolitics, internationalisation of and territorial ‘battle’ in football and other sports).
  • Designing Borderlands, Cross-border cooperation and Borderscapes: The development of cross-border governance and planning of borderlands (see our book: Borderland, 2013).
  • C/Artography: Re-Mapping borders and migration. See a.o. my book Free the Map, our articles on the Migration Map Trap and on Lies, dammed lies and maps; the co-authored blog CompasstoCartopolitics, and my TEDxLecture: Free the Map).
  • Urban geopolitics and planning: glocal borders, urban politics and identity, and geopolitics of capitalism.